Relationships necessitate communication, and the relationship between science and government is no exception. Johannes Vogel, president of the Berlin Natural History Museum and President of the European Citizen Science Association, believes that the current relationship between science and government is strained for this very reason – poor communication. When government, science, and society all speak and understand different languages, forming a healthy relationship is very difficult. In this session, Johannes Vogel discusses the necessity for finding a common language between stakeholders to improve future relationships, policy discussions, and outcomes. He provides exceptional stories, experiences, and anecdotes about how these fields currently work together and what we should expect from them in the future. Change, however, only starts with a courageous self and a willingness to improve in an ever-changing world. The current culture surrounding how failure is being dealt with in both government and science must be transformed to ensure these fields are ready for the future.
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Creative Bureaucracy Festival meets Science: Interview Johannes Vogel
Johannes Vogel, Julia Stamm
Seit 2012 ist der Genetiker Johannes Vogel Generaldirektor des Museums für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung Berlin und Professor für Biodiversität und Wissenschaftsdialog an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Er ist Präsident der European Citizen Science Association und berät die EU Kommission und Bundesregierung.
Mit einer Sammlung von über 30 Millionen Objekten ist das Museum eines der größten forschenden Naturkundemuseen der Welt und zählt jährlich bis zu 800.000 Besucher. Seine Vision ist es, den wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Dialog zu befördern und aktives Handeln für Natur und Demokratie zu stärken.
Dr. Julia Stamm is the founder of The Futures Project (TFP), an international non-profit initiative to ensure that innovation and technology serve the needs of people and planet.
In November 2021, Julia received the Digital Female Leader Award, category Global Hero, for her work. Julia has long-standing leadership and management experience in national and international academic institutions and international organisations, such as European Cooperation in Science and Technology and the European Commission. She regularly advises national and international organisations and institutions on issues around science, policy & innovation.