Innovation is no end in itself. Taking a mission-oriented approach to innovation helps align innovation with solving the big challenges of our time. In this session, we learn about how Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova is leveraging this approach to improve the infrastructure of Swedes everyday lives.
Dan Hill, Vinnova’s director of Strategic Design and a Visiting Professor of Practice at UCL’s Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), takes us through newly launched projects that focus on growing a sustainable, health and vibrant streets.
The so-called ‘Future Streets’ and ‘Street Moves’ projects, launched on 17th September 2020, are about involving Swedish residents in the design of their streets by developing and testing solutions to new urban environments under real conditions. The hope is that this modular approach will generate new services and solutions linked to planning, green areas, e-commerce, mobility, and more.
Dan points to the vital skills, structures and mindsets required to bring such systemic design projects to life.
For further information on the mission-oriented innovation approach, we highly recommend this session with the UCL IIPP team. You can also find their online resources here.