*This session will take place over Zoom so please be sure to register in advance*
COVID-19, the single largest global disruptive event since the Second World War, has challenged leaders, policymakers, and communities in ways scarcely imagined or rehearsed. Alongside the crisis, there have been vague assertions about the need to use COVID muscle memory on the other big challenges of our age, like climate change. But what if we seized this opportunity to learn those lessons while they were fresh?
In this workshop we will explore a draft framework – the Learning Curve Framework – to assist policymakers and creative bureaucrats alike to more rapidly assess what emergent practice, policy and behaviour may be transferable to their local efforts on decarbonisation. In a project with Climate KIC, we’ve been capturing and codifying pandemic policies and practice that could be explicitly redirected to decarbonising our way of life.
If we are to honour our commitments to the Paris Agreement goals, we are going to have to embark on an analogous journey of leadership, policy experimentation, and society-scale behaviour change that we have seen during the pandemic. And the risk is, if we wait until the acute phase of the pandemic is over, we may lose this learning opportunity as individuals and institutions ‘snap back’ to prior behaviours.
Look forward to seeing you there.