The Observatory of Public Sector Innovation at the OECD has for many years been promoting rethinking in how public institutions operate both nationally and locally. Their vast bank of experience has been used world-wide. This session draws on all these lessons and explores the top 10 challenges public sector organisations face in public sector innovation today. These include ongoing institutionalization of public innovation and the new working methods that are evolving to embed innovative thinking and action in public sector organizations. How to incorporate approaches such as missions to tackle audacious challenges as well as how foresight and anticipatory methods can help drive change in everyday practices in the public sector? Increasingly the power of data and technology and its cascading effects can be transformative as can a crisis like Covid-19. Several difficulties remain, such as embedding and scaling up innovation as well as measuring and evaluating its effectiveness. Crucially large knowledge gaps remain on the ground which highlights the role of imaginative forms of training, coaching and mentoring.
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The Top 10 Challenges Faced in Public Sector Innovation Today: Lessons from the OECD OPSI
Piret Tõnurist
Dr. Piret Tõnurist is a senior project manager at the OECD and leads the work on anticipatory governance at the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI). She coordinates OPSI’s work on transformative innovations, innovation theory development and works directly with OECD member countries on their complex problems. Piret holds a research fellowship at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, TalTech and she conducts research on a variety of topics such as innovation labs, co-production, digitalisation, machine-to-machine coordination and innovation policy management. She has previously advised the Parliament of Estonia and worked as a performance auditor for the State Audit Office in the field of innovation and entrepreneurial policy. Piret holds a PhD and MA from TalTech in technology governance and MSc from KU Leuven in policy evaluation. She can be found on Twitter at @PiretTonurist.