Digital Workshop Series
Monthly workshops for creative bureaucrats
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We just shared the insightful takeaways from our last workshop: “Assessing Dynamic Capabilities of Public Institutions” and encourage you to have a look at the upcoming 3rd workshop from our Digital Workshop Series hosted by our festival partner PD: “Data-Driven Policy-Making” on 3 November 2022.
The workshop revolves around “Data-Driven Policy-Making” – a method that can support public leaders in shared, fact-based decision-making. Dr Christina Leuker, Project Group Leader Risk Communication at the Robert Koch Institute, and Dr Erich Renz, Senior Consultant in the PD’s Science Group team, will test the method together with the participants using the question of whether certain health data (such as vaccination data) should be made available to the general public.
Hosted by PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand (in German language)